Claudio Abate, Anselm Kiefer, Die Frauen der Antike (1999), galleria Il Ponte
Marina Ballo Charmet, Tatay, galleria Il Ponte_04
Marina Ballo Charmet, Con la coda dellocchio 57, galleria Il Ponte
Ulrich Egger, Südseite, galleria Il Ponte
Ulrich Egger, Inverno, galleria Il Ponte
Davide Mosconi, Trittico " dell’Ombelico", 1990:91, galleria Il Ponte, Firenze
Pierluigi Fresia, La Nave, 2024, galleria Il Ponte
Pierluigi Fresia, Proust’s housekeeper, 2024, galleria Il Ponte
Zoè Gruni, Boitatà_The End, 2013, galleria Il Ponte, Firenze
Zoè Gruni, Fromoso, 2019:2020, 66x100 cm, galleria Il Ponte
Rosa Foschi, Dream (sognando Bogart), 1995, galleria Il Ponte
Rosa Foschi, Double (Antonine Artaud), 1992, galleria Il Ponte
Luca Maria Patella, Montefallo! Autoritratto indicante (indecente), galleria Il Ponte
Luca Maria Patella, L.M.P. Perché il Sol ne riluca Cauda Pavonis, galleria Il Ponte
Through the lens
Pav. 26 – Booth B 5
7 – 9 february 2025

Gallery Il Ponte presents at Artefiera 2025 the project Through the lens.

Il Ponte, indeed, has often planned a photography exhibition as part of its annual calendar since the early 1980s. In these exhibitions and in its authors, it did not exclusively seek the technical data of photography, but its becoming a true work of art.

It is therefore the result of this research, in the booth of Artefiera, the photographic works of some authors – with whom the gallery has had closest contacts over the years – are exhibited: Claudio Abate, Marina Ballo Charmet, Rosa Foschi, Pierluigi Fresia, Zoè Gruni, Davide Mosconi, Luca Maria Patella, Ulrich Egger (to whom an exhibition will soon be dedicated).