Galleria il Ponte Firenze

Eberhard Ross

29 april – 12 may 2016

Galleria Il Ponte, for the Close up cycle in the lounge room on the ground floor, exhibits some works by the german artist Eberhard Ross concerning the series Fermata, paintings specially made not only for the gallery but for different spaces in Florence as well: Cripta of San Miniato al Monte, Palazzo Capponi alle Rovinate e Arte Mediterranea (via de’ Bardi corner Costa Scarpuccia), where each of them wants to be a space for an inner stop where to remain in a conscious silence. Fermata is a word that comes from the musical language meaning that a tone or a chord has to be manteined long, has to ring out. The artist’s aim is to give the chance to enter in a special atmosphere of silence and inner concentration…


Eberhard Ross was last modified: September 14th, 2017 by