
Pieluigi Fresia

    Pierluigi Fresia, Icaros’ Cloud, 2024, galleria Il Ponte_gr
    Pierluigi Fresia, Icaros' Cloud, 2024, galleria Il Ponte
    Pierluigi Fresia, La vita è un pomeriggio, 2024, galleria Il Ponte
    Pierluigi Fresia, Infinito, 2024, galleria Il Ponte
    Pierluigi Fresia, Tutti gli amanti di Emily..., 2024, galleria Il Ponte
    Pierluigi Fresia, Six Stones, 2024, galleria Il Ponte
    l’impotenza celeste dei pianeti Magazine
    curated by Pietro Gaglianò
    31 january – 18 april 2025

    Il Ponte starts the 2025 with a monographic exhibition dedicated to Pierluigi Fresia, whose unpublished photographic works from recent years are presented.

    The title of the exhibition, L’impotenza celeste dei pianeti (the celestial impotence of the planets), is based on a quote from Marcel Proust selected by Fresia, who thus outlines his mother’s way of seeing and living life, which, as the artist writes, «implies a brightness that comes from different stars, from lights that come from everything except from our intimate being and existence. This marvellous image that Proust gives us fits in perfectly, in my opinion, with the idea I have of both photography and existence, that something which nothing is without a contribution, a meaning that comes from elsewhere, which creates not a mirroring but an illumination of novelty, of another reality and perhaps, in its not being before and not being after, absolutely, for an instant TRUE». The artist’s interpretation opens up directly to his artworks, in which the image seems almost transitory and the linking of it to a phrase, almost an Haiku, determines it.


    January 10, 2025 0 comment
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